Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our Schedule

We currently meet at 9:00, with two other wards meeting in the same building.   This is the schedule we use now, but know we will change it when we move to the 11:00 time slot in January.  Nap-time will dictate the differences.

10:15 - 10:30  Gathering activity.  Everyone doing the same thing.  We found that the stress level was too high and the choices overwhelming when we let them come in and start dragging everything out of the closet.  Now with one fun choice when they walk in the door, there is more excitement about staying and less crying when parents leave.  Some of the things we have tried are:
  • playdough and cutters
  • small books on the floor
  • things with wheels
  • balloons all over the place to throw and kick at
  • blocks
  • rice tubs with measuring tools
10:30 - 10:45  As their interest wanes with the first activity, they can clean their part up and go to the closet with one of the adults and pick one toy to play with.  Once everyone has a toy out, they can trade and share.  This usually takes the fifteen minutes.

10:45 - 10:55  We start cleaning up and washing hands for snack.  With thirteen of them it takes ten minutes to do this and get them seated at the table.

10:55 - 11:10  Blessing, snack and a scripture.  The scripture is a very short one that has something to do with the lesson.  I usually take it right out of the first paragraph of the lesson.  They don't always understand it, but it's important for them to see the adults holding the scriptures and reading out of them.

Snacks we have tried:
  • fresh fruits: strawberries, grapes, watermelon, kiwi, cherries, apples (cut very thin)
  • carrot sticks
  • Veggie Crisps
  • graham crackers
  • goldfish
  • cheese sticks
  • Fruit Loops
  • Cheerios
We bought bibs so the strawberries and cherries didn't ruin Sunday clothes, and sippee cups for water.  Those are taken home each week and washed.

11:10 - 11:15 clean up and we make a BIG deal about them cleaning up for themselves.  They carry their plates or napkins to the garbage and put the cups in a basket. Then they move their little chairs if they are strong enough into a semi-circle for singing time. 

11:15-11:25  Singing Time

We are very lucky to have an awesome Primary chorister who comes into Nursery to sing with them for ten minutes every Sunday, but you could lead this yourself.

Favorite songs:  (I'll do another post with lyrics and actions)
  • Wheels On The Bus
  • Three Little Monkeys/Mr Alligator
  • Once There Was A Snowman
  • What Do We Do With Sleeping Children?
  • I Am A Child Of God
  • Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam 
  • I Had A Little Turtle
  • Popcorn Popping
11:25-11:40  (This is the hardest part, but important to get them ready for Sunbeams) Lesson and either a flannel board story or a simple craft to emphasize the lesson).  This usually involves some product to take home so they can share with their parents what they learned.

11:40 - 11:50  a game of some kind.

Baby Basketball
Lamb Hunt
freeze tag
How does a _______ walk?

11:50 - 11:55 Bubbles  (What is Nursery without bubbles?)  We found several bubble guns, some good and some bad, and we use those and different kinds of wands.  While two of us are handling bubbles, the third is getting the things they are taking home organized.

11:55 - 12:10 (no one shows up on time......)  we talk about the necklace, bracelet, coloring page, whatever they produced to take home.  We make sure we repeat the name of the lesson over and over during this time, ad naseum..... kids remember it and parents hear it when they come in.

Nursery is a difficult calling because you are teaching 8-10 mini lessons during a two hour period.  I taught Seminary for twelve years and Gospel Doctrine for three, and Nursery is the hardest!  But it's also the most fun.

Some things we have done to make it easier:

  • One person does the flannel board story
  • One person does the scripture
  • One person is in charge of birthdays
  • We used Avery clear labels to type up several sheets of their names so that we don't have to write it on every paper or project they create; a label goes on it.
  • One person is designated as the person to take a crying child to walk in the hallway.  They tend to set each other off.  We don't take them back to their parents unless it is absolutely necessary.  It takes time for them to feel comfortable with us and one on one is a good way to do that.


  1. I just got called to be a nursery leader with my husband. Like JUST got called, about an hour ago. I'm doing my research and this helps a whole lot! I already have tons of ideas buzzing through my head and of how we can work them into the two hour slot. Thank you so much!

  2. our nursery needs a new schedule and this looks wonderful! thanks for sharing!

  3. What are the rules to lamb hunt?

  4. Our nursery kids love bubbles also! We usually wait and do them at the very end after all the toys are cleaned up and we wait for them to be picked up. We have a big fan in our nursery and it works really well if you put the bubble wand in front of it and allow it to do all of the work. Plus our kids love to play stop and go; they get to all take turns holding the stop sign.

  5. Love nursery, and structure and consistency is important for them. Thank you for the fantastic ideas. Have you ever made washable finger paint?

  6. Do you have any ideas for children who wont stop crying for the 2 hour block and both mom and dad have teaching callings so they can't stay at nursery and we have tried different toys, songs, games, treats, for about a month but nothing seems to work. Please any advice will be appreciated.

    1. This should be brought to the attention of the primary president and bishop. The child is miserable, you as leaders are miserable and at a loss, having tried all you can think of. If it were my child, I'd want more inspiration on what to do for this poor kiddo AND you guys as leaders!

    2. Invest time during the week outside of church to get to know the children. Do FHE or have a bbq together with the child's family. Put together play dates with some of the other nursery children and their parents to make friends with. The children will get to know you in a fun, safe and comfortable environment with their parents still there. Children go through phases, even the older nursery children have a rough time every now and then. Send a thoughtful message in the mail during the week. The more they get to know you and see and feel that you truly love them, Sundays will go much easier.

  7. Hi I just called as a nursery leader from being assistant I am so scared �� but I know if I'm more organized I'll be OK what do you recommend for schedule at 2pm start for our ward I find the kids a terribly tired and upset at that time should there be a nap time lol or eat food first? PLEASE HELP :(

    1. That is the same time we go to. We do treats first and when everyone is done eating we do the lesson.

  8. Hello, LOVE your schedule. Could you possible explain rice tubs with measuring tools activity? It sounds intriguing.

  9. Thanks for posting this. I am a new nursery leader and you are a blessing to me.

  10. So, I was called as Nursery Leader late last year; our Nursery can big huge. Sometimes 20 kids. Sp, I can up with and plan and schedule were we split the kids into two groups. So, anytime there is 8 or more kids we split. We divide between you get and older. This also allows for you to gear the lesson toward a particular age group. You won't have to worry about the younger kids not understanding as much as the older kids because of the language you use. So, I finally got the schedule created in January and starting in February began the implementation of the schedule. It has brought down chaos in our Nursery by 50%. Also, I have found playing soft music while kids are arriving to Nursery has really helped calm them down too.

  11. how do you deal with the children hitting the table at snack time as they are waiting for the snack??

    1. If they don't stop after a couple of warnings we either pull their chair away from the table far enough they can't reach it, or they have to sit still on one of our laps until all the treats are passed out.

  12. We've been in nursery for 4 years now and we recently bought a slide off of Amazon. Our nursery has 2 doors, 1 we use for picking kids up and the other for dropping them off; the slide is placed in the door way and the kids love getting to slide down it. When they come in we have the chair pulled up around the table and for the last month we have been practicing being quite for the sacrament. While we sit at the table the kids have to fold their arms; there is soft music playing in the background. So far we are up to 5 minutes! After that the treats are handed out, when they are done eating we do the lesson, then the take home, then it is playing time. Toys get cleaned up 15 minutes before nursery ends, then we do singing time, after singing time we do bubbles until parents come or the kids lose interest in the bubbles. During singing time we also do the monkeys jumping on the bed and our boys love to 'fall of the bed' so if we have 5 kids then their are 5 monkeys.

  13. What are everyone's ideas for the new schedule?
