Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lesson 2 - Heavenly Father Has A Plan For Me

Heavenly Father Has A Plan For Me

Today in Nursery we:
Sang:  I Lived In Heaven A Long Time Ago
Ate: Veggie Sticks
Heard: Heavenly Father’s Plan  (Friend June 2003)
Read:    1 Nephi 17:36
Learned:  About where I came from and how I can go back to Heavenly Father with my family.

Jumped from one circle to the next to get to earth and back to Heavenly Father. 
We hooked several necklace light sticks together from the dollar store and made a circle for where we came from, a circle for the Earth, and a circle for Heaven. We jumped from one to the other and talked about how we get back to Heavenly Father.

Came home with:  the string and cards to make a mobile for my room.
The mobile was the pattern in the Nursery manual.

Next Week:  I Can Pray

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