Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lesson 1 - I Am A Child Of God

I Am A Child Of God
Today in Nursery we:
Sang:  I Am A Child Of God
Ate: Goldfish
Heard: “A Child of God – No Matter What!” (Friend Jan 2009)
Read: Doctrine and Covenants 14:7
Learned:  I have royal parents.
If you’re very, very tall, (stretch and reach arms up)
Heavenly Father knows and loves you.
If you’re very, very small, (crouch down)
Heavenly Father knows and loves you.
Tall, (stretch up)
Small, (crouch down)
Tall, (stretch up)
Small, (crouch down)
Heavenly Father knows and loves us all.

Came home with:  a crown that says “I Am A Child Of God” and a schedule of the lessons for the next six months so you can teach me too!


Next Week: 
Heavenly Father Has A Plan For Me

We made crowns for each child using the pattern in the story (Friend Jan 2009)  We added jewels to the crowns and let them color them before taking them home.

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