Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lyrics for songs we use

 Some people called to nursery haven't sung any of these songs for a very loooooong time, so I'm including even the obvious ones.

Wheels on the bus: (this is a good beginning because they always recognize that they need to sit on their chairs)

The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and Round
Round and Round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town.

Door goes open and shut  (hands apart and then together)
Windows go up and down  (arms horizontal up and down)
Money goes clink*clink*clink  (fingers together dropping coins in slot)
Baby goes wahhh*wahhh*wahhh  (rub eyes with fists)
Mommy goes shhh*shhh*shhh  (finger to mouth shhhshing)
Horn goes beep*beep*beep  (hand hits closed fist)
Wipers go swish*swish*swish  (this is the hardest motion.. arms and hands are wipers going back and forth)
Driver says 'move on back'

Three little monkeys:  (chanted - no tune)

Three little monkeys swinging from a tree (left arm horizontal as a tree branch and three fingers
                                                                      of  right hand hanging over the branch)
Teasing Mr Alligator 'Can't catch Me!  Can't catch Me!' (thumbs in your ears and hands waving at the
Along comes Mr. Alligator, quiet as can be  (hands, palms together in front of you moving in
                                                                         swimming motion down the river)
And he snatches that monkey right out of that tree! (BIG CLAP! and then gesture with thumb over
                                                                           shoulder to 'outta that tree)

Two little monkeys...... same motions but two fingers.

One little monkey.......same motions with one finger.

I Had A Little Turtle 

 Lyrics:  I had a little turtle, his name was Tiny Tim  (Right hand with thumb out and left hand over as shell)
              I put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim.  (Swimming motions with hands)                      

               He drank up all the water.  He ate up all the soap.  (Drinking water and eating soap)
               And now he's sick in bed, with bubbles in his throat.  (Hand to forehead and then around throat)

              Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles! Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles!  (Bubbles get bigger and bigger at throat)
              Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles!  bubbles, bubbles, POP!  (Bubbles get bigger and bigger then POP! clap hands)

 What Do You Do With Sleeping Children?

(Have them lie down on the floor and pretend they are sleeping.)

 Notes:     CCCCCEGEC
                 DDDDD(down) BDB(down)G

What do you do with sleeping children?  What do you do with sleeping children?
What do you do with sleeping children, early in the morning?

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ  (snore loudly -the anticipation kills them)
(tickle them and shake them gently as you sing the next verse)

You wake them up and shake them up, and wake them up and shake them up.
You wake them up and shake them up, so early in the morning.


  Other favorites in the Children's Songbook are:

 Popcorn Popping
Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam
Once There Was A Snowman  (they like to do this as Once there was a baby, small small small...  Now they're growing bigger bigger bigger,....... tall tall tall)



  1. Thanks Susan for taking the time to share these ideas! I've never heard of the "Sleeping Children"song; and I can't wait to share it with the kids!

  2. Thank you Susan we need to learn these songs I can't even sing but anyway I try lol
